Programs from major Tom Foolery performances
What is here is a compliation of pages from programs of major Tom Foolery performances. We have collected the critical pages from the critical performances of this show.
- Gardner Center Theatre, Brighton - May, 1980
- Criterion Theatere, London 1980
- Canmore Opera House, Vancouver, BC: November 1980
- Gates Theatere, Dublin, Feburary 1981
- Village Gate Theater, New York 1981
- Arena Stage, Washington: Janurary 1, 1982
- Chicago, Apollo theater 1982
- Charles Playhouse, Boston 1983
- Cleveland PlayHouse, Cleavland: Janurary 14-Feburary 27 1983
- Walnut Street Theatre, Philedelphia, Feburary 8 - March 1 1986
- Actors Theatre, Louisville, Janurary 27-Feburary 20, 1988
- Oslo